Thursday, October 1, 2009

22 months

You're 22 months old now, and busier than ever! Your interests include tools, jumping, and watching the tv in the car.

A few weeks ago you and Dad were at the mall, and you spontaneously vomited all over dad and the entrance of radio shack. You must have felt much better after that... Dad came running to into the store where Mom was shopping, and stood there a long moment until she realized you were both covered in yuck.

You point at the moon these days and say "noom." Grandma taught you to say "Up Nana," but lately you've been saying "Up Banana." If we try to spell something so you don't know what we're saying, you try to spell along "A, O, A, O, A, O." Also if you see letters printed on a sign, you can pick out A, T, O, B, and M.

Tool! Momma, Da! Saaa (could me Sol or saw), Screw, Hagid, Jump, No No, Car, Ball. Peeps (grapes)

Cousin Joe visited, and the two of you played so nicely! You woke up in the morning saying "Joe!" and spent the whole day playing and playing. You're going to love having a brother!

You're obsessed with your drill shaped screwdriver and fixing. Grandma took you to church, and you stayed busy fixing all the chairs. You listen quietly to your Solomon CD, and a bunch of grandma's kids tapes

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Month 2-6

As you went from tiny to small, you made your way in the world observantly. You're still a contemplative guy at 18 months. Mom and Dad doted on you when you were happy, fretted over you when you were fussy, and gave you constant cuddles and kisses however you were feeling! You had some issues with eczema, but after a year, it cleared up. Mommy learned more tricks to keep you happy as we grew and learned more about each other. You sit in the bouncy seat in the bathroom while mom and dad take showers. Eventually, we learned to hang brightly colored objects from the towel bar, and you learned to hold toys by yourself. I'd sing to you from the shower to let you know I was still there, and it kept you happier longer (Jesus Loves me, Sound of Music Songs, Birdies in the Treetops, Jesus loves the little children, this little light of mine, I had a little turtle, and many more were sung. Many times, you'd fall asleep.

At about 4 months you visited Dallas for the first time. You were an angel on the airplane, and in fact maybe cried for just a minute as we were landing both ways. We visited Grandma Shar, Grandpa Har, Joey, Willie, Great Grandma (G2) and Great Grandpa Bill. Such a precious time to visit family. They loved taking turns holding you, and playing with you!

You were about 5 months old when Uncle Erik started to come to play with you! He held you, and held you, talked with you, read to you, mostly the same stuff he does with you now at 1 1/2. We started to feed you rice cereal and veggies.

At 6 months old, you rolled over (but only by mistake). You loved to be held so you could stand up (while chewing on our thumbs). You were a chewer, but not a drooler. It was at about 6 months that you started sleeping all night from 10pm through 5 or 6 am. 3-4 naps everyday. Green Beans, jarred pears, and avocado were your favorites!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


These have been roller coaster 2 years. Solomon, your Mom and Dad wanted you so much! We waited and waited for God to bring you to us, and He did. The week before we found out you were growing inside Mom, your grandma Fisher suddenly flew to Jesus. We were so thankful that God had chosen you to come at that time, but also struggled with the timing. Your Grandmother never knew you on Earth, but I look forward to the time when we all meet in Heaven, and she hugs you tight, and welcomes you into eternity.

As you grew, you were an encouragement in the midst of grief. You were a good reason to hope for a bright and happy future! I remember feeling you practicing your scissors kick for the first time. I was about 15 weeks pregnant, and I felt the tiniest little flutter. You were just saying hi! I was overwhelmed with thankfulness, and hope:)

I was all-day-everyday-sick for about 2 months. I survived on Mac and Cheese, Almonds, Saltines, and Ginger Tea. You were worth it.

You are so loved and doted on by Grandma Shar and Grandpa Har even befor you were born. She's my favorite Auntie, (closer than the average Aunt) and I'm blessed beyond words to have her! We went shopping, and swimming, and took care of Grandma's bills and things in Dallas that June.

In early September 2007, you went on your first roadtrip! Mom and Dad drove all the way to the Badlands and Black Hills. Dad and I had a very relaxing and somewhat stressful trip as the stinky 94 Honda Passport broke down! We visited the Badlands, and stayed for 2 nights in the only resort in the Badlands. So beautiful to wake up in the morning and see the sun rising into the painted sandy hills. We visited Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park, the Wind Caves, and drove all over the hills. Probably the most exciting adventure Dad and I took together since we were married! It was on the way home that you thought you should start the long process of being born.

You kept growing and growing! Mom was a 7 month pregnant Matron of Honor in her friend Trisha's wedding. That whole weekend, I felt contractions, and that week the doctor put Mom on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy.

Those next 2 months were wonderful, and difficult at the same time. I had plenty of time to do whatever I pleased as long as it was from the couch. I got to feel every hiccup, elbow, kick, and wriggle. It was a time of dreaming, hope, and recovery. It was also a time of restlessness, boredom, and lonliness. I spent lots of time on th phone with Grandma Shar, Auntie Beth, Tasha, Liz, and anyone else I could think to call! Hagrid kept us company on the couch. He liked to lay with his head snuggled up against my belly, but he had to settle for hanging out behind my knees.

Daddy was such a good Husband during that time! He made meals, took care of us, whatever it was that we wanted or needed. Grandma Kruse was also a big help! She brought us meals, and helped get everything ready for you.

Auntie Charity, Auntie Beth, and Liz threw a baby shower for you during this time! It was so good to see friends and family during the shower! We were so thankful!

While on bedrest, I started to learn about your personality! Sweet, curious, gentle, happy. You were playful- We played "tag" through my belly. You'd kick, I'd poke your foot, and you'd kick again, (then we'd have to stop because mom got too many contractions).

Thanksgiving week, I decided I was done with bedrest, and chose to start getting ready for your arrival. The Kruse family thought you would be born that weekend, but you waited one more week. After 3 days of not sleeping, and having constant contractions, we went to the hospital, Dr. Gildner broke my water, and you arrived 3 hours later after 3 pushes at 7:29 pm. You weighed 7lbs 14 oz, and was 20 inches long. You were perfect. We were so happy!

Because you came fast, I tore, the doctor had to use 6 suture kits and 1.5 hours to sew up all the tears. Grandma Kruse held you tight while I was being repaired. We were so glad she was there! The next day, the doctor gave me a blood transfusion, which helped me feel lots better. I spent some extra time in the hospital, and had a slow recovery at home.

You were perfect. "An angel baby" (and it wasn't just mom and dad who said so!) You were so beautiful- the pictures didn't do you justice. The things I remember the most about you from when we were in the hospital is how perfectly formed your feet, hands, and lips were! I spent hours admiring them! You have your Dad's tough, knuckled hands, and your mom's long toes. Your lips were so tiny, so full of expression. You truly were sent from Heaven. You were content to just sleep in anyone's arms, and I didn't mind holding you close.